27 December, 2008

It's Been a While

Hmmmm, I haven't touched this blog for a long time. Maybe it's time for me to check it back out. I have nothing to say though. It's sad to know that I keep on typing things around here yet I don't have anything to say.

But something popped out. December 26, 2008.

It was a while too. My ex-girlfriend and I went for a "walk" in the city and it was a long day with her. But, I had fun. It felt like it was centuries ago that we met. Or something like that. Anyways, we went to Samal. It was a long way from SM to that place, around an hour or so. Then we have to ride this banca called Lantsa to get across Samal. When we were in the middle of the sea, I felt dizzy because of the big waves. I got a headache when we got to Samal. It was a walking distance to our store from the small pier. So, the both of us walked. When we arrived there, I said my hi's to my aunt and uncle. I sat on a plastic bench in our store and took a rest. My ex-girlfriend was beside me. She asked me if I already heard the song "A Love Story" by Taylor Swift and I said no. Then she got her PSP from her bag and looked for the song. She played it and I listened to it. I did not understand some of the lyrics because it was too noisy in there. My ex explained to me everything. The lyrics were good and sweet. I kinda' liked it but not really likey-like or something.

Many things had happened after that like waiting for another lantsa back to Davao. It was windy there and it was cold. Really cold. I even got a cold from that coldness. WTH? I think that is stupid. Anyway, many things really happened that I cannot explain them all. But, the day ended great. She gave me a gift.

Material and emotional gift. Haha!

What can I say now? I have nothing to say anymore. Hey, I'm writing this post in my ex-girlfriends house. She has this amazing keyboard that is wireless and a mouse that is also wireles. Now I can call this mouse a MOUSE! Hahaha! I love the keyboard today because it feels good in the hands and I can type really fast. Around 10 words a minute. Haha! Just joking. Maybe I can type around 70-80 words with this keyboard because some keyboards are not so good that I can only type 40-50 words per minute. (I'm really sorry for my poor speed.)

Well, I think that's it. Got nothing to say anymore. :)

Bye! :)

08 September, 2008

The Birthday Gift

I went out of the house at around 9 am.. I was left by my parents and I went to school alone. I was waiting on highway for a jeep and it seemed like the jeeps that I was looking for are full. So, it took me a long time before I found the jeep. I went in the front seat of the jeepney and off we go to the route we are supposed to take. When I was a kilometer near our school, ALTC texted me. She asked me where I was and I told her I was in the jeepney and I was nearing school. She told me that I will go her classroom. I asked her why but she just said that I must go.

I arrived in school and I went in. I took the stairs near ALTC's classroom. She was on the second floor so it was an easy climb up the stairs. When I arrived there, I texted her that there are many people outside her classroom and that she should go out to give me something. I found my friend and we talked a bit. Then, my friend told me that ALTC was coming and I looked to my left. She indeed was coming and she brought with her a chocolate and a bookmark. It was a simple hi and goodbye. Before giving the things, she said hi. I said hi too. Then, she gave the things and said goodbye. I was so shocked it was that fast. I thought to myself that she is kinda' shy. I really do not know.

Anyway, the chocolate and the bookmark was a late gift for me. There was a message at the back of the bookmark and it made me really happy. I texted her and thanked her for the gift. Although it was simple, it really means a lot.

To ALTC: Thanks for the gift! Hahaha! :)