08 September, 2008

The Birthday Gift

I went out of the house at around 9 am.. I was left by my parents and I went to school alone. I was waiting on highway for a jeep and it seemed like the jeeps that I was looking for are full. So, it took me a long time before I found the jeep. I went in the front seat of the jeepney and off we go to the route we are supposed to take. When I was a kilometer near our school, ALTC texted me. She asked me where I was and I told her I was in the jeepney and I was nearing school. She told me that I will go her classroom. I asked her why but she just said that I must go.

I arrived in school and I went in. I took the stairs near ALTC's classroom. She was on the second floor so it was an easy climb up the stairs. When I arrived there, I texted her that there are many people outside her classroom and that she should go out to give me something. I found my friend and we talked a bit. Then, my friend told me that ALTC was coming and I looked to my left. She indeed was coming and she brought with her a chocolate and a bookmark. It was a simple hi and goodbye. Before giving the things, she said hi. I said hi too. Then, she gave the things and said goodbye. I was so shocked it was that fast. I thought to myself that she is kinda' shy. I really do not know.

Anyway, the chocolate and the bookmark was a late gift for me. There was a message at the back of the bookmark and it made me really happy. I texted her and thanked her for the gift. Although it was simple, it really means a lot.

To ALTC: Thanks for the gift! Hahaha! :)

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