10 August, 2008


The title seems to be related to bees but it is not. I’m talking about what happened one time with three of my friends. We were online on Yahoo Messenger and our dear friend James was online. I was in an internet café and I was between the cubicle of Gear and Dante. James was online in our lists. Gear called my attention and he said that he and James were buzzing each other. Gear was kind of irritated so he asked me to help him buzz James. So, I buzzed James many times. Even Dante joined us. James gave up and his status message goes like, “I surrender.” We were laughing our butts of because of that. The three of us continue buzzing James and we know he was irritated. But, we just laughed. Even James laughed too.

It was kind of fun to do that but please, if you want to do Buzz Wars from other people whom you really don’t know, don’t. We know James and he just tolerates this “little war” that we have. So please, don’t try this to other people as it may irritate them and they’ll send you to moon with a big punch. Know what you’re doing. Bleh! :)

“The pen is mightier than the sword, but a buzz is irritating” –Janus

P.S. The quote has no sense and is stupid. Sorry. XD

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