01 August, 2008

Sad As It May Sound

Sad as it may sound but there will come a point in our lives where we must set some important things free. This will sound tough because you cannot easily let go of everything important to you. Letting things go is normal and is part of our lives. But, how can you let go of these important things to you? Personally, I easily let go of things that I want not because I'm too bored to it. It's just that it had made a change in my life and now it is time to set it free. People must challenge themselves on this part of our life.

For example, you really like this person and he/she is everything to you. Like all other problems in the world, the person you like likes another person. Of course at the first place, you won't let her go to the person he/she loves and instead he/she will go to you. Thinking about it, you are the only one who'll be happy because you are the only who got what you need. The other subject did not get what he/she needed so she is not happy. If you'll say that he/she is happy about you, think again. Maybe he/she can't do anything about it because the person they liked has another issue about this. In other words, we are living in a chain of events which is very complicated and sometimes hurtful.

This post may sound very complicated and I apologize about that. I am not really in that mood to post something and I'm just typing everything that comes in my mind. But, I hope you get my point. :)

This is my first post on the month of August. Be sure to check always for new posts and other stuff. I would really appreciate to hear from you guys. :)

I would like to thank hannah for giving me inspiration in doing everything I can. Thanks! :)

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