29 August, 2008

The Unexpected

I wrote a poem about this girl in my MC 90 class. I was inspired to write a poem because she was beautiful and everything. I don't have my "poem notebook" so I cannot write the poem here. After a long time, I saw her again walking on the hallway. I was with Gear and Jal and I was shocked when Jal talked to this girl that I am talking about. Jal joked that she was his girlfriend. I gave him a confused look. He then concluded that she was his cousin.

I was like OMG! Your cousin? I wrote a poem about her and I had no idea that she was your cousin, I said to Jal. It was really unexpected. Very unexpected.

Anyway, expect the unexpected, they say. For if you expect the expected, you might be hurt by the facts. At least that's what I know. :)

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